Hollywood vs History #1: Braveheart

"To begin with, the opening narration drawls "the English will tell you I am a liar" when recounting the backdrop to the events that are about to unfold. This is sure-fire way to let the audience know that you're about to make shit up"

We the people: Shays’ Rebellion

And so it is with this knowledge that we come to the task at hand: a forgotten uprising of working people in the newly founded United States - merely little over a decade after "the shot heard around the world" at Lexington and Concord - were poor, angry farmers decided to take a stand at excessive, punishing taxation by the ruling classes and inadvertently put the theory of the "land of the free" to the test.

A Quick Look: Margaret Thatcher and Liverpool

"Managed decline" It's a simple enough phrase. Two words. Two words part of a bigger whole, a letter, in fact, written in 1981 to the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher by the Chancellor Geoffrey Howe. It argued that any kind of assistance, financial or social, that was given to Liverpool from central government was akin... Continue Reading →

The Giants Whose Shoulders We Stand On

"If Dr King were alive today, I'm sure he would go spare at the idea that he alone was the sum total of black peoples contribution to the human story" - the historian and writer Akala, speaking at the Oxford union, 2018, about the narrowing of historical focus in Black History Month

Unsolved M-histories: Who killed Martha Tabram?

"They had lives and families. They loved, and lived. Martha Tabram had been married, although estranged, and had two sons. Polly Ann Nichols had five children and Catherine Eddowes had a fine singing voice and worked as a tinplate stamper. These women had stories - and sadly that tends to be overlooked when involved in a case like the Whitechapel Murders"

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